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A Typical Day at PGL

Image with the word "Morning" at the top, two photos below: one of a colorful map on a board, and the other of a man and a child preparing for an outdoor multi-activity. The word "Breakfast" is on the side.
Wake up, get dressed and enjoy a delicious breakfast to set you up for a morning on the stunning Ardèche Gorge.
Two photos show people in life vests and helmets engaged in multi-activity water adventures. One group huddles in the water, while another person paddles a red kayak. Text above reads "Afternoon," and to the side "Lunch.
Take a break from paddling and stretch those legs on the riverbank whilst enjoying a tasty packed lunch. Once refuelled and recharged you’ll drop back onto the river for more exploration.
Two photos: on the left, people dining at tables with red chairs; on the right, a group watching someone play basketball. The words "Dinner" and "Evening" are above the photos. The scene embodies a multi-activity evening with a mix of social dining and lively sports. "zzz" indicates sleeping.
Head back to the centre and enjoy a well-earned rest and tasty dinner with your group. As the evening draws in there’s time for a fun activity and some chill-out time before bed… ready for more adventure tomorrow!
PGL instructors preparing children for their Ardeche activity
Wake up, get dressed and enjoy a delicious breakfast to set you up for a morning on the stunning Ardèche Gorge.
Two photos capture a multi-activity adventure with people wearing helmets and life jackets. The first image features a group standing in water, while the second shows them paddling in an inflatable red boat.
Take a break from paddling and stretch those legs on the riverbank whilst enjoying a tasty packed lunch. Once refuelled and recharged you’ll drop back onto the river for more exploration.
Two images: On the left, people sit at a table eating. On the right, individuals play basketball outdoors. The text "Dinner" and "Evening" is written above the images, highlighting a multi-activity evening.
Head back to the centre and enjoy a well-earned rest and tasty dinner with your group. As the evening draws in there’s time for a fun activity and some chill-out time before bed… ready for more adventure tomorrow!
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#1 in outdoor educational trips

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Industry experts in care & safety

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