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A Typical Day at PGL

A child in a yellow vest with "Brownies" written on it partakes in rock climbing activities with an adult's assistance. Another image shows the same child climbing an outdoor rock wall. The caption reads "Morning, Breakfast.
Wake up, get dressed and enjoy a delicious breakfast together. Your Groupie will then lead you to your morning activities.
Two side-by-side images show children wearing helmets and safety vests, smiling during an outdoor adventure activity, with labels "Lunch" on the left and "Afternoon" at the top.
Time to refuel! Break for a tasty lunch in the dining room, before heading off for some more exciting PGL activities!
A collage of two images labeled "Evening": on the left, a buffet with various dishes labeled "Dinner," and on the right, a campfire with people sitting around it.
Head back to the dining room for a hot tasty dinner. As the evening draws in, you’ll enjoy one final fun activity with your group. After this, everyone should be well and ready for a good night’s sleep, ready for more action tomorrow!
Two photos labeled "Morning" and "Breakfast". Left: A young girl in a "Brownies" shirt with a camp leader. Right: A child climbing a wall wearing a helmet and harness.
Wake up, get dressed and enjoy a delicious breakfast together. Your Groupie will then lead you to your morning activities.
Two photos of kids in outdoor activities. Left: kids in helmets holding a balloon. Right: a smiling kid in a helmet with a green field in the background. Labeled "Lunch" and "Afternoon.
Time to refuel! Break for a tasty lunch in the dining room, before heading off for some more exciting PGL activities!
Two images depicting an evening scene: on the left, a buffet-style dinner setup with various dishes; on the right, a campfire with people sitting around it.
Head back to the dining room for a hot tasty dinner. As the evening draws in, you’ll enjoy one final fun activity with your group. After this, everyone should be well and ready for a good night’s sleep, ready for more action tomorrow!
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Why book with PGL?

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#1 in outdoor educational trips

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Industry experts in care & safety

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Options for all budgets

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All activities & instruction included

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Age-relevant programmes

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Dedicated PGL ‘Groupie’ to support you

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