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A Typical Day at PGL

A typical day at PGL in the morning banner for a Geography school trip
After a delicious breakfast on centre, you’ll be whisked off to the day’s field study location, ready for a morning of hands-on learning.
Two photos depict people engaged in multi-activity outdoor tasks on a rocky shore under a blue sky, holding papers, clipboards, and crate-like equipment. The label "Lunch" is on the left and "Afternoon" on top.
Time to refuel! Have a break and enjoy a well earned rest. We’ll provide tasty packed lunches to tuck into. Once recharged and refreshed you’ll return to your fieldwork for the rest of the afternoon.
Two photos labeled "Evening": one shows a buffet-style dinner with trays of food, and the other depicts a campfire with people sitting around it, along with a "zzz" symbol indicating sleep. It's an ideal multi-activity evening combining lively dining and relaxing by the fire.
Back on centre, you’ll enjoy a hot, hearty dinner before reviewing the day’s learning with a follow up session, or enjoy a fun group activity together.
Showcasing a morning of our geography trips showcasing students digging and looking at rock formations
After a delicious breakfast on centre, you’ll be whisked off to the day’s field study location, ready for a morning of hands-on learning.
An afternoon at our Geography KS3 trips with students collecting data.
Time to refuel! Have a break and enjoy a well earned rest. We’ll provide tasty packed lunches to tuck into. Once recharged and refreshed you’ll return to your fieldwork for the rest of the afternoon.
Two images labeled "Evening Dinner" showcase a multi-activity evening with a buffet featuring various dishes on the left and a campfire surrounded by people on the right.
Back on centre, you’ll enjoy a hot, hearty dinner before reviewing the day’s learning with a follow up session, or enjoy a fun group activity together.
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Why book with PGL?

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#1 in outdoor educational trips

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Industry experts in care & safety

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Options for all budgets

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All activities & instruction included

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