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A group on a raft in the middle of a lake

6 Adventurous Ideas for Scout Activities With Your Group

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Looking for some fantastic adventures with your scout camp? Well here are some scout activity ideas that you can do back at home! We know how adventurous scouts are — they love to explore. So why not try out some of these epic activities? Ideas for scout activities 1. Hike Head off for an adventurous hike with your scout group!…
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Group of smiling children wearing helmets and harnesses raise their arms in excitement, standing in front of greenery in an outdoor setting.

How year 7 trips help students settle into secondary school

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Starting secondary school can be very challenging and even stressful for some students. There are many reasons for this: a new environment, different classes, new teachers being just some. But you can help year 7 students settle into their new school with a school trip!    Opportunity to bond with classmates Adventurous school trips allow pupils to compete in various…
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Brownies group getting ready for the climbing wall.

Why choose PGL for a school trip?

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Are you looking for places to go on a school trip? Our adventure centres offer so much for students, with plenty of learning opportunities and immensely fun activities! We’re proud to be able to provide some of the best school trips in the UK.   Curriculum-linked courses We can offer curriculum-linked courses to schools looking to focus on particular areas…
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Two boys abseiling down

Earn Your Scout Badges At PGL

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Did you know your unit can earn scout badges at PGL? On a scout camp, not only will your group be able to try out our exciting activities and challenges, but they can also come home with new badges! Lots of our activities contain elements required for gaining or working towards badges awarded by the official Scout Association.   Cubs…
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A group laughing on a raft

Fun Team Building Activities for Sports Teams at PGL

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Is your sports team in need of a team building trip? Our group adventures are designed to boost your team's connection through a range of sports team building activities! Strengthening the bond between teammates outside of your sport is a great way to improve their relationships on the field/pitch too!   Sports team building activities Your group will experience the…
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An activity instructor preparing a child to climb with the relevant safety equipment including a harness and carabiner clips at PGL Ford Castle

Preparing for Your Child’s First School Trip Away From Home

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Do you remember the feeling of your first school trip away from home? The adventure, the excitement, the freedom! Our mission is to ensure that all children feel this as they embark on their first overnight school trip. It’s perfectly natural to have some concerns if your child is attending their first school trip away from home. Believe us! But…
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Child learning to climb on a wooden background with hand holds and foot holds

Make Your Overnight School Trip a Success With These Simple Tips

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Planning overnight trips with secondary school students can be tricky. With so many elements to consider for residential trips for secondary schools, it’s ultimately down to you as a teacher to ensure your students have the best time during their school trip. At PGL, we know all about what students love! We've been providing outdoor adventure trips for 65 years, so…
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Children splashing in the water after their raft has been capsized by the other team

How Team Building Activities Develop Transferable Skills for Students

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Are you ready to try out some team building activities for high school students? With countless ways to boost transferrable skills, spark interest and inspire success, it's key to remember that some of the simplest but most effective ways to connect and support your students involve them working together. Plenty of teamwork! Team building activities for high school students provide…
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PGL instructors teaching climbing techniques that are assisted by ropes and a belay.

Why Activity School Trips Make for Great Outdoor Learning Experiences

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School trips and outdoor learning activities provide the perfect opportunity for students to enjoy the fresh air, learn transferable skills and have fun with their friends! They make for fantastic outdoor learning opportunities, whether that’s developing certain skills or building on prior topic knowledge on a field trip. An adventurous school trip with PGL can really bring out positive character…
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A team of raft builders enjoying their time at PGL Marchants Hill, sat on blue barrels with a home made raft and paddles.

Why Outdoor Learning Is Important for Pupils and Teachers

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Outdoor learning is extremely beneficial for both pupils and teachers. For pupils it helps build a range of key life and learning skills, and teachers reap these benefits by seeing these skills adopted back in the classroom. We’re here to tell you why outdoor learning is important and the positive impact it can have on both pupils and teachers. Why…
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