Are you looking for some cool adventures that your scouts can have at home? Look no further. We’ve got an epic collection of scouting activities at home! We’ve got activities with a full day of outdoor adventures, with others that your scouts can do from the comfort of their own home. Let’s get started!
Scouts activities at home
Your scouts can get some practice in for earning their badges with some of these activities, or just have a fun time trying out some of these fun scouts activities at home.
You could encourage your scouts to bake some tasty treats while at home with their parents. It’s a fun indoor activity that they can complete with their families and enjoy a delicious reward when they’re finished. Not only that, but this could also help with any scouts who might be looking to work towards badges like the Chef Activity Badge. They could bake a cake, some cookies or maybe even a hot-cross bun.
Knot tying practice
Your group could get some practice in for their Pioneer Activity Badge by trying out a range of different knots that they have learnt. These could be extremely useful in a scout pioneering project when building a raft or something similar. It’s one of the easiest scouting activities at home because it can be done almost anywhere! Some of the most popular scout knots include:
- Sheet bend
- Square knot
- Clove Hitch
- Fisherman’s knot
- Overhand knot
Create a bug hotel
What an adventurous activity this is! Your scouts can create their own bug hotel in their garden using a range of natural materials. All they need to do is collect a pile of sticks, dry leaves, logs, grass and any other natural materials they can find, then try and build some kind of structure that resembles a small bug hotel by piling materials on top of each other.
Leave it a day or so and then revisit to explore what minibeasts are making themselves at home!
Create a stop-motion video
It’s easier than you think. Providing your scouts and their parents have access to a device that can download apps, and some Lego or any other kind of figurines, then they can take part.
Using the stop motion app, Scouts need to follow instructions which usually involves keeping the device as still as possible or placed in a holder. The end goal here is to animate the figurine, which is done by using the application to take a picture each time the position of the figurine is moved slightly, so then when the pictures are put together in sequence quickly, it looks as though it’s a video.
This activity could count towards the following two badges:
- Creative Challenge Award
- Digital Maker Stage 2
Scavenger hunt in the garden
We’re sure your Scouts love to explore, but have they done it in their garden before? Using their knowledge gained from school, scouts, beavers, and cubs, they could create a list of categories based on what they think they might find in the garden. This could be things like wildlife, flowers, leaves, rocks/stones or anything else they can think of. Then it’s time to venture out, noting down everything they can find that is worth highlighting in their garden journal!
Book your scouting adventure with PGL!
We hope these scouts activities at home are something your group might enjoy! If you’re not already heading on a Scout residential with PGL, then take a look at what we have to offer. We have a range of group residential trips to choose from, including multi-activity weekend breaks and Scout trips to Château de Grande Romaine.
If you have any questions, get in touch with our friendly and experienced team today. They’ll be more than happy to help!